AVP - Apple Valley Police
AVP stands for Apple Valley Police
Here you will find, what does AVP stand for in Law under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Apple Valley Police? Apple Valley Police can be abbreviated as AVP What does AVP stand for? AVP stands for Apple Valley Police. What does Apple Valley Police mean?Apple Valley Police is an expansion of AVP
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Alternative definitions of AVP
- Wilkes-Barre/Scranton International Airport, Wilkes- Barre Scranton, Pennsylvania USA
- Arginine VasoPressin
- Anti Virus Program
- Anti Virus Protection
- Arginine VasoPressin
- Avon Products, Inc.
- Aliens Versus Predator
- Alternatives to Violence Project
View 75 other definitions of AVP on the main acronym page
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- AP As de Pic
- ACFC At Cost Flights Corp.
- AMBSL Apex Medical Billing Solutions LLC
- AOSPL Asia Offshore Solutions Pte Ltd
- AHC Affordable Heating and Cooling
- ACM Allied Capital Mortgage
- ADC Air Duct Cleaners
- AAAMS AAA Mortgage Solutions
- AAIS All American Indoor Sports
- ASPL Art Security Pty Ltd
- ASHK The Actuarial Society of Hong Kong
- ASO Aurora Symphony Orchestra
- AFL Aditya Fuels Ltd
- ATP All Transmission Parts
- AUFCL Ashton United Football Club Limited